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Product name and description. 2. Place your order by Email, phone, fax, or mail
1) By Email: This is the most efficient way for you to place order. Use dzlab888@163.com to email you order.
2) By phone: Our friendly sale representatives will process your order right away.
from Monday to Saturday Tel: 1-86-023-61722605 our local cell number is 13708396852
3) By Fax: Please make a copy of the Order Form from this web, complete the form and fax it to us. Your order will be processed as soon as it is received.
4) By Mail: You can also mail us the completed order form.
Xiaolongkan Xingjie 49-2-12-11, Shapingba, Chongqing, P. R. China 400030 3. Delivery: Delivery will be made in 3-5 working days.
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